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Is Your Home Security Ready For The PSDN Switch Off?

Updated: Jun 4, 2023

In 2017 BT announced that the current PSTN and ISDN services will reach end of life in December 2025. But how will this affect your home security system?

All security alarm systems need an effective way to communicate any emergencies to the homeowner or central monitoring station. Many older alarm systems rely on a hardwired connection to the phone line. This communication system will no longer continue to work after December 2025.

Some systems can be upgraded by adding a GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) module. This utilises the mobile network to communicate to the outside world. Other systems can be upgraded with a network connection, that allows the alarm to connect to the router for external control and communication.

Due to the age of some systems, these communication upgrades may not be available leaving your security system able to protect your home, but outdated.

At AR Smart Systems we offer full replacements, as well as the ability to upgrade older wired alarm systems, giving you the ability to upgrade to the latest security technology without completely replacing your existing wired system.

We can breathe new life into your old wired alarm by introducing a MultiTransmitter by Ajax Systems. The MultiTransmitter allows us to build a modern complex security system while retaining your existing wired system.

The MultiTransmitter gives users the ability to control and monitor their alarm via the dedicated Ajax app. Receive data-rich notifications and even create automation scenarios.

The Ajax alarm system gives us the ability to offer all of our customers remote support, so you know you have support from your installer at all times.

Most importantly the Ajax alarm system has a number of communication options including WiFi & hard-wired router connections and SIM slots for communication via the mobile network.

If you would like to know more click here to book a free survey please call our team on 01473 875975.

Want to know more about the PSTN ISDN switch off click here.

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